
When I was eight years old an elderly neighbour at a backyard barbecue publicly rebuked me for talking too much. This observation/criticism dealt a crushing blow to my self-esteem and forced me to look inwards. I started writing stories and never stopped. Some of them have been published in the Sydney Morning Herald, Australian Country Style, ABC Organic Gardener, Slow magazine, ABC Gardening Australia, The Australian, Wellbeing magazine, and Shepherdess (NZ). My working life includes stints in publishing, communications, and administration roles as an editor, journalist, magazine coordinator, proofreader, copy writer, and marketing and community engagement coordinator, most notably for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). I believe everyone has a story to tell and I love crafting those stories for a wider audience. If you're looking for someone to tell your story or promote your brand please get in touch.

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last updated

September 13, 2024
Jacqueline  Forster


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ABC Organic Gardener Magazine

A selection of published work

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Slow magazine

A selection of published work.

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