
I am practice led cultural researcher, performance (auto)ethnographer, academic educator, as well as a specialist in producing Community Arts & Cultural Development (CACD) programs and interdisciplinary creative collaborations. I have 25 years experience spanning the arts, theatre, arts health & wellbeing and CACD practice. I have undertaken public sector roles in government, and arts and not for profit organisations.In April 2022, I graduated with a Doctorate in Cultural Research (DCR) at the Institute for Culture and Society (Western Sydney University). My thesis titled "Unmasking the 4th Space: Collaborative Creativity In Praxis at the Intersection of Artists, People with their Communities and Institutions" is applied research. With a focus on the linear and non-linear transformations between artists, people in their communities and institutions engaged in the collaborative creativity. My work further explores a space for narratives that are often not heard to be rewoven and performed at the centre.

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Cali Prince


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