Evil Eye Amulet Drop

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I created these amulets to create quite a statement. Fashioned from Hand stamped Sterling Silver this designs is set with Indian Ruby and Rutilated Quartz. Hindus consider Rubies to be one of the most valued stones and believe that those who wear it are protected from all evil. A stone of the Root Chakra it can stimulate ones life-force, kundalini and encourage us to take a leap of faith in directions we need to move forward. Rutilated Quartz is said to ground light energy into the physical body while helping to activate you higher mind. It is said to be programmable and can amplify the energy of any affirmations or intentions you may set. This amulet is made with the intention to protect the wearer from negative energies while they open to more light and move into new directions in

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Evil Eye Talisman

Talisman to protect against the Evil Eye and negative energies.

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