what makes a great profile
- A great profile finds the balance between describing who you are, what you do and what services you offer.
- Try to be clear and concise. Only list skills and technologies you have direct experience with in a professional context.
- Give examples of clients you have worked for, places you have exhibited, festivals you have been involved in, places that stock your products etc
- Give examples of specific skills you have or technologies you use. For example, if you are a web designer, what platforms are you an expert in Webflow, Shopify, Wordpress, etc
- Try to aim for a word count between 150 and 300 words
- Make sure you understand the category terms you are listing yourself under.
- Please be accurate and realistic when adding yourself to a category.
- If you don’t know which category to choose or feel like your skills are not well represented by the category structure please get in touch with our friendly team.
- For a full list of categories please use the support tab
- Try to keep the number of categories you list yourself in to a practical minimum. Between 3-5 categories is a good balance. Members will be contacted if listed in too many categories as this reduces the effectiveness of the directory for all members.
- A call to action is simply a prompt for the viewer / reader of your profile to make contact with you.
- To write an effective call to action, think about what the primary goal of being list in the MTNS MADE directory is. For example, if you are an artist - do you take commissions, do you have stock on hand at your studio to sell, are you looking for collaborators
- Make your portfolio projects relevant to your biography and the skills you have listed. The projects in your portfolio should support the skills and services detailed in your biography
- Use the best quality images you have available, optimised for the web. For assistance in optimising and scaling your images, please review the Support area
- Take the time to write clear descriptions of your projects and describe exactly what you were responsible for. If it’s not immediately clear, describe how the project relates to the categories you have listed yourself in.
Please see below for helpful guides for common questions
Start by clicking through the top level categories (Screen, Visual Art, Design, etc). Take note of the sub categories which are revealed by clicking through the parent categories.

After clicking through all the top level categories, you should now have an understanding of the sub categories contained within each of them. Select the sub categories which are a good representation of your practice or expertise.

It is fine to select sub categories from different top level categories. For example you might select Video Art and Printmedia from the Visual Art top level category, but your practice also includes Performance Art from the Performing Arts top level category.
Images can be added to a project
To be added
To add a profile image, navigate to Edit Profile from the left toolbar on your Dashboard. Click the Upload Image button to select an image from your computer.

To replace an uploaded profile image with a new image, just upload a new image - this will overwrite your selection.
For best results, upload an image with a square aspect where you appear central to the image - similar to a passport photo. Use an image that is high quality for a website, around 1000px square is a good balance between quality and file size.
You can add a total of 3 projects to your MTNS MADE profile. Each Project has the following content elements:
- Project Title
- Feature Image
- Project Outcome
- Project Description
- Images
- Video
- Sound
- Terms & Conditions
Project Title
This is the title of your project, please be descriptive but concise. Around 5 - 8 words
To be added
To be added