Painting Workshops in the Blue Mountains and Sydney

project description

Corinne is passionate about creativity and runs workshops for individuals and groups in the Blue Mountains where she has her studio, as well as around Sydney. She guides authentic creative experiences, ranging from fun, playful Friday night 'Creativity Shots' and Paint & Sip group events, to weekend-long intensives and grounding and transformative creative practices in nature. Embracing and reflecting all aspects of herself and her own practice, she facilitates workshops in drawing, dancing mindfulness, studio and plein air painting. If you have never done any art making before and don’t know where to start the half-day 'Essentials of Painting Technique for Beginners & Intermediates is an excellent place to start. She also teaches mastery of colour, composition and picture-making and offers self-paced courses.

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View more projects by Corinne

TEDx Talk

I presented at TEDxKatoomba on 30 June 2023

Passages - Paintings from Warrumbungles and Closer to Home

A solo exhibition made up of plein air and studio oil paintings.

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